Dr. Mariano M. Negri, Ophthalmologist


Maculopathy: The macula correlates with the anatomical center of the retina; therefore, a maculopathy refers to any alteration of this specific area. The alteration may be either traumatic, secondary to high myopia or degenerative: the last one is the most frequent of the three alternatives and it is directly related to the patient's age. The symptomatology is characterized by the alteration of the quality and amount of the central vision in the affected eye/s. The clinical forms can be exudative or non-exudative, and there can be vascular breakage with liquid transudation and fibrosis. Its treatment contemplates related pathologies such as arterial hypertension or diabetes, and it can be systemic, refractive or surgical and, in certain cases, it can imply the use of antiangiogenic drugs.